Why you don’t hear God speak: Part 3 The Danger Zone

Written by Eric

It’s a danger zone out there. 

I remember the first time I heard that famous song by Kenny Loggins. Sitting in a school gymnasium, the teachers came up with a bright idea for a talent show. 

Someone danced to the song Danger Zone. The funny thing is, I don’t remember the dance nor the dancers. 

But I remember the songs. 

As I was thinking about today’s email, I thought about when Paul wrote, “in the last days” dangers times will come. He goes on to list all these things that basically describes the world in which we presently live.

I’m not going into the whole list today. Nor am I going to go on a world-bashing tangent. What I am going to talk about is…

… another reason why you don’t hear God speak.

And that reason is… the danger zone. 

Growing up for me, the world was very different than today. The biggest thing I had to worry about were kids being mean at school. Now, our kids have smartphones with access to nearly unlimited time on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram (among others). 

I played with friends, went to the pool and rode my bike outside. Now, the kids only interact online. Their interaction with the real world is severely limited. Which opens up a multitude of dangers that didn’t exist before.

Before parents and teachers said, “When you’re walking home from school, don’t talk to strangers.” Now, the danger isn't only when they are on their way home from school. They can be sitting in your house and strangers (and influences you don't know about) are sliding into their DMs. 

Plus, when you add in the amount of things online that children shouldn’t see. Honestly, it's true for the adults as well. 

There’s a reason I personally limit my own access to social media. I don’t have a social media app on my phone. 

Facebook. Deleted. 

Instagram. Deleted. 

Pinterest. Deleted. 

TikTok. Never had it. 

I downloaded Facebook again the other day because I wanted to contact a pastor I had as a child. I ended up deleting the app from my phone again. I didn't like the notifications and the "spying" on every one's life without actually talking with them. 

This reason I'm talking about is why I don’t have a TV in my house. I’m not against having a TV. I’ve had numerous. And will have one again in the future. 

The reality is… it’s a danger zone out there. 

This reason is not sin, necessarily. I’m not talking about outright sin. As a Christian, I’m sure you’ve heard tons of sermons about all kinds of sin and the dangers of it. I’m talking about a different danger that is directly linked to why you don’t hear God speak. 

That reason is…


Listen, I’m going to shoot real straight here… 

Hearing the voice of God like a Prophet is like many other things in life. If you want to succeed, one thing you need is focus. It doesn’t matter if it’s sports, business, money, marriage, relationships, health. No matter what area… focus is a big key. 

The idea of “I’m a good multi-tasker” is pretty much bogus nonsense. Because if you want to do something well, you’re going to have to focus. It’s especially true for relationships of any kind. 

You can’t sit there playing Tetris while your boss is talking. You know you’re not paying attention and so does your boss. And vice versa. It's rude. It's disrespectful. And it shows that something else is more important than the person.

I’ve been talking with someone while they play on their phone. I’ll stop talking mid-sentence and go do something else. When they finally realize I stopped talking, they’ll try to make up some excuse that they were listening. But almost always they can’t remember what it is we were talking about. 

It doesn’t matter the kind of relationship. Parent and kid. Boss and employee. Business owner and client. Even strangers we meet in coffee shops or on the street. Any relationship and communication requires focus. 

And that’s one big reason why you don’t hear God speak. 

Because of distractions. 

I remember reading a book by Dan Kennedy. If you aren't familiar with him, he writes and teaches on marketing and business. He mentioned some study that was done that every time a person is distracted, it takes 26 minutes to regain focus. That means, you could be living in a land of constant distraction. Where you never are able to focus.

With the onslaught of notifications sounds, always online instant access “productivity” apps and on-demand streaming tech…

… it’s a danger zone. 

It makes it hard for you and your mind to focus on any kind of relationship. Let alone your relationship with God. Which makes hearing His voice extremely difficult, if not impossible. 

You’re so bombarded with notifications, you’re swimming in a sea of confusion. What does God want? What is God saying? Why don’t I hear His voice?

It’s a danger zone for a reason. 

One fact for you: the devil loves distracted Christians. 

There’s a ton more I could say about this. I’m not going to get into all of that now. 

That’s why I publish a newsletter. To go into the depth of things and help you walk in a realm of hearing the voice of God loudly and clearly. 

The first step is to be part of the tribe. Here’s where you do it…

P.S. Listen, I'm not saying social media is sinful. Nor that you're going to hell if you have a TV in your house. I'm only stating this fact: the amount of things demanding your attention in today's modern world has skyrocketed. And if you are not mindful, the enemy will gladly use something that isn't labeled "sinful"  to rob you of your ability to hear God speak. Suddenly you are so distracted by all the "urgent" demands, you will miss the important.

P.P.S. You know you. You know your life. One person might be fine with constant access to Facebook. Another may not. The key is, prioritize Jesus. 

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